In this tutorial, I am going to give you seven smart answers to tricky questions for job interview. But before I get into the tutorial, I want to say a massive thank you to all of you who have visited my website. At the start of this year, I fell very ill. I ended up getting pneumonia in both lungs, and I wasn’t even sure that I was going to be here so I want to say thank you to all of you who have supported me on this incredible journey, and I love helping you to pass your interviews.

Let’s get into the tutorial now in my ongoing mission to help you pass every job interview you attend. I want to give you seven smart answers to some of the trickiest interview questions. You are likely to get asked questions such as which animal would you be and why? Describe yourself in one word. If I called your former boss right now, what would he or she say about you? And also what’s something you used to believe in? But now you don’t. If you have a job interview coming up for any role or any organization, make sure you stay tuned.
Question number one
Let’s get into the first question. Tricky interview question number one is which animal would you be and why? Now this is a very tricky interview question to answer, because it not only puts you on the spot, but it assesses your ability to think quickly and logically. Now what will you give an animal that is cute, fluffy and nice? Or will you tell the interviewer you would be an animal based on strong traits that demonstrate you are a team worker, a go getter and someone who is adaptable? Here’s my brilliant example answer.
- I would be a squirrel because they work very fast.
- They are adaptable and flexible, and they work together to achieve their goals.
- Squirrels always put the team first. They gather resources and they are strong and resilient animals.
That’s a great answer to that tricky interview question. Tell me in the comment section below the article which animal you would be and why?
Question number two
Interview question number two is what’s something you used to believe in, but now you don’t. Now, this tricky interview question is assessing your ability to change because change is crucial in any organization if it is to be successful and all hiring managers want to take on people who are willing to change and adapt so make sure your answer demonstrates that you are a forward thinking and positive person. Here’s a brilliant response.
- I used to believe that people who are successful were lucky, but I no longer believe this.
- I now believe we can all achieve whatever we want to in life, and those people who do achieve their goals have done through hard work, perseverance, learning from others and a total focus on their personal professional development.
That’s a very smart answer to that interview question.
Question number three
Interview question number three is, describe yourself in one word. Wow. How do we respond to this tricky interview question? Well, this question actually assesses your understanding of yourself and whether or not you can back up your claims. Because let’s face it, anybody can say they are driven or trustworthy, but actually giving examples of when you have demonstrated your chosen quality is another thing altogether. Examples of powerful words that you can use to describe yourself include energetic, resourceful, results orientated, self-motivated, driven, positive and reliable but here’s my example answer to help you pass your interview.
- I would describe myself in one word as industrious.
- This means I will always work hard to help your business succeed and prosper.
- For example, in a previous role, I recommended different ways to my manager that we could improve customer service standards by implementing a new online customer feedback facility.

That’s a great response to that tricky interview question.
Question number four
The next tricky interview question comes up often during job interviews, but it always catches people out, and that is you are going to be stranded on a desert island for the next 12 months with enough food and water to survive. However, you can also take with you two personal items. Which items would you take and why? Now this question assesses how smart you are and whether or not you would think about luxuries or survival. Here’s a great way to answer this common but tricky interview question. The question again is you are going to be stranded on a desert island for the next 12 months with enough food and water to survive. However, you can also take with you two personal items. Which items would you take and why? Here’s my response.
- I would take a lighter and a laptop that has a solar powered battery.
- I would take the lighter so I could light a fire and keep myself warm at night.
- I would take a laptop so I could keep in touch with my loved ones, and this would also enable me to carry on working remotely.
- This would mean my mind would be kept active and I would also get to keep my job when I returned.
That’s a very smart answer.
Question number five
Question number five of our seven tricky interview questions is, Tell me about your best and worst days at work. Wow, this is a challenging question to answer correctly. Now, this tricky interview question focuses on your mindset and, more importantly, what you view as your best and worst days. Here’s how I would answer this question to impress the hiring manager. Here we go.
- My best day at work was when the team I was a part of managed to beat all previous sales figures for a week.
- We achieved this record by offering great customer service, by seeking different ways to promote company products online and also by running a twenty four hour sale for our customers.
- It was a fantastic achievement and we all felt a great sense of achievement for beating the previous record.
- Now, my worst day at work was when I made a foolish mistake.
- My boss had given me an important task to complete, but I didn’t listen to a brief properly. This meant I failed to carry out the task to the requested standard.
- Now, I felt really bad for making this mistake. However, I apologized immediately.
- I put things right and I learned a lot from the situation, so I never repeated the same mistake again.
That’s a brilliant answer to that tricky interview question.
Question number six
Tricky interview question number six is, if I called your former boss right now, what would he or she say about you? Now this question is tricky because it assesses your levels of honesty. Now we could all say, Oh, my boss would say that I am productive, conscientious and hardworking, but would they really only say those things? What about the areas of improvement you need to focus on? Would they mention those two? Most probably so. Therefore, the best way to answer this tricky interview question is to ensure you give the positives. Your boss would mention and also the areas that you should improve on, too. Here’s my example answer to help you. Here’s my response.
- My boss would probably say that I am someone who always puts the needs of the team first, somebody who is willing to take on challenging tasks and somebody who can be relied upon to do a great job on time and to a standard.
- She expects she would probably also say that the area I need to improve on the most is in respect of my speed when dealing with customers.
- I sometimes spend too much time with the pleasantries when speaking to customers on the telephone, when in fact I should be trying to move on to the next call as there might be other customers waiting who need my support.

That’s a very smart answer to that tricky interview question.
Question number seven
Question number seven is if you could choose any superpower, which would it be and why? How do you answer this question? Well, this interview question comes up often during job interviews. The question itself assesses your ability to think on your feet and also whether or not you align your chosen superpower with work or your personal life. Hence, the why part of the question at the end? Here’s my response to help you pass your interview. Here we go.
- I would choose being able to fly because that would mean I could get everything done much faster.
- I could travel from task to task much quicker.
- I could also pick up things for the company where needed, help save the money and also deliver urgent products to our customers when needed.
That’s a really smart answer to that tricky and. A big question.
Now the next thing to do is head through to my website and you can find full set of interview questions and top scoring answers, including the ones I’ve worked through together today so make sure you go through to the website because I’ve also placed more questions on there that I recommend you prepare for. There’s also some really important additional tips that will help you to polish your interview. Make sure you check those out.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the tutorial of tricky questions for job interview. As I said at the start, it’s really important because I can then help you not just pass every job interview, but I can help you to negotiate a salary, get a pay rise and also get a promotion and make sure you share your feedback on the comments section. That’s all I ask that motivates me to create more articles for you. It’s really good to connect with like minded professionals such as yourself. Thank you so much for reading, and I wish you all the best for passing your interview. Have a great day!