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Tell Me Something Interesting About Yourself (3 Brilliant Answers)

In this next tutorial, I’m going to teach you how to answer the really difficult interview question. Tell me something interesting about yourself. Wow, this really is a tough interview question to answer correctly, and most candidates do not have a clue what to say. However, if you have a job interview coming up soon for any role or any organization, make sure you stay tuned because I will give you the perfect scripted answer and just very quickly.

Tell me something interesting about yourself

Let’s jump straight into the tutorial. So to help you pass your job interview, I will cover the following four things during this training tutorial.

  1. Number one, I will explain why the interviewer is asking you the tough question. Tell me something interesting about yourself. Now, if you understand why the question is being asked, it allows you to give a brilliant answer that is guaranteed to impress the hiring manager.
  2. Number two, I will give you a list of things you can say that are interesting about a person, and you can then choose which interesting thing is most applicable to you and your experience.
  3. Number three, I will then tell you how to answer the interview question. Tell me something interesting about yourself. Now there is a secret to answering this interview question correctly, and I will tell you what that secret is very soon.
  4. And then finally, number four, I will give you three example top scoring scripted answers to the interview question. Tell me something interesting about yourself, and you can then decide which one you are going to use during your interview.

Number one

So why is the interviewer asking you the tough interview question? Tell me something interesting about yourself. Well, they are asking you this question because they want to employ someone who is innovative, creative, has drive and passion, and who is going to make a difference to their company in the role. Now they want to hire someone who has standout skills and qualities, and this interview question assesses whether or not you have them.

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Number two

Let me now give you a list of six things you can say that are interesting about a person, and you can then choose which one is most applicable to you and your experience.

  • Number one is to say that you have carried out some voluntary work. Now, this is a good thing to say in response to this interview question, because it shows you are a compassionate and caring person who puts the needs of others before themselves.
  • Number two is to say that you have won an award. Now it might be a sporting award or trophy, or even an award or praise at work for being the strongest performing employee for a particular month. Now, if you have won awards in the past, it tells the interviewer you are a high achiever who is likely going to excel in the wrong.
  • Number three is to say that you have learned to do something that is difficult. Now maybe you have learned how to play a musical instrument, learned how to be good at a particular sport or pastime, or learned a useful skill that has enhanced your life in some way. Now, if you have learned how to do something that is difficult, it demonstrates the ability to concentrate and apply yourself.
  • Number four is to say that you have done some charity work or fundraising. Now, people who do good work for charity are generally compassionate people who care about others. They are also not afraid to work hard and take on difficult challenges in order to aid other people who are perhaps not as fortunate as themselves.
  • Number five is to say you have achieved an important life goal. This is a really good one. Now, examples of life goals include saving up to buy a house, climbing a mountain you always wanted to climb, losing weight or even running a marathon. Now, if you set yourself life goals and you achieve them, it shows you to be a disciplined and persistent person.
  • And number six is to say you have a passion hobby or a pastime. Now, people who have hobbies or pastimes are generally more relaxed, and they are less likely to suffer from depression. Now, also, any type of activity that gets you out and about makes you feel better. And if your pastime is done with other people, it usually means you have good teamwork, relationship building and communication skills.

Number three

Now, before I give you those three example top scoring answers, let me tell you the secret to answering the interview question. Tell me something interesting about yourself. So the secret is to make sure you structure your answer using the following three steps.

  1. Step number one. Tell the interviewer what your interesting thing is.
  2. Step number two. Explain what this says about you in terms of your strengths and qualities.
  3. Step number three. Tell the interviewer how this will benefit their organization if they hire you.

Number four

Let me now give you three example answers to the difficult interview question. Tell me something interesting about yourself. You can then tell me in the comment section below this article, which answer option you think is the strongest. Here we go.

Option number one

Answer option number one. Several years ago, I took part in a charity 5K run to raise money for local good causes. Now, I haven’t done much running before, so I put together a fitness training plan to make sure I could complete it. I asked people I knew to sponsor me, and on the day of the run, I completed it in a very respectable time. I also raised one thousand dollars in sponsorship for local good causes, which was great news. I am a disciplined person and when I set my mind to something, I always make sure I do it. I think this could be good for your company because I have a track record of achievement, not just in my personal life, but in my work life to tell me something interesting about yourself.

Option number two

Answer option number two. A couple of years ago, I really wanted to learn how to play the guitar. I couldn’t afford lessons at the time, so I studied online using YouTube tutorials, and I set myself a goal of being able to play 20 songs within 12 months. Now, to achieve that goal, I decided to dedicate one hour of practice every day and I actually achieved my goal of playing 20 songs within eight months. I am a determined person who can sit down, concentrate and work methodically towards a goal. Now in the workplace, this means I can be relied upon to finish a task on time and to a very high standard.

Option number three

Answer option number three. In my last role, I won an award for being the best performing member of our team in terms of sales generated for the company. Now, I found different ways to help the company drive sales through new online marketing techniques that I had read about. I felt really proud to have won the award, but I was more pleased for the company because it meant we had a record year of sales. I am a very driven and enthusiastic person. When I have a goal to work towards, I am at my best. I believe these transferable qualities could be of real benefit to your company because I am the type of person who always wants to achieve great things and improve.

So there are three top scoring brilliant answers to that really challenging interview question. Tell me something interesting about yourself. Don’t forget to tell me in the comment section below the article, which answer option one, two or three you think is the strongest.

Now the next thing to do is head through to my website and you can find full set of interview questions and top scoring answers, including the ones I’ve worked through together today so make sure you go through to the website because I’ve also placed more questions on there that I recommend you prepare for. There’s also some really important additional tips that will help you to polish your interview. Make sure you check those out.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the tutorial. As I said at the start, it’s really important because I can then help you not just pass every job interview, but I can help you to negotiate a salary, get a pay rise and also get a promotion and make sure you share your feedback on the comments section. That’s all I ask that motivates me to create more articles for you. It’s really good to connect with like minded professionals such as yourself. Thank you so much for reading, and I wish you all the best for passing your interview. Have a brilliant day!

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