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Tell Me About A Time When You Had To Make A Quick Decision (Question & ANSWER)

In this next article, I will teach you how to answer the very difficult interview question. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision. Wow, this really is a challenging interview question to answer correctly. However, if you have a job interview coming up for any role or any organization, make sure you stay tuned because I will give you the perfect answer to pass your job interview.

when you had to make a quick decision

Let’s jump straight into the presentation. To help you pass your interview, I will cover the following three things.

  • Number one, I will tell you why the interviewer is asking you the question. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision. Now, if you know why the interviewer is asking you the question, it allows you to give the perfect answer.
  • Number two, I will tell you how to structure your response to gain the highest scores possible.
  • Number three, I will give you a brilliant, top scoring example answer to the interview question. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision that will help you pass your interview.

Number one

To begin with, why is the interviewer asking you the question? Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision? Well, the interviewer wants to hire someone who won’t shy away from making quick decisions, even when they don’t have all the information to hand. They also want to hear the process you follow. Whenever you make quick decisions, so whenever you make a quick decision. Always follow these four steps.

  • Step one. Assess the situation and decide the outcome you want to achieve.
  • Step number two. Consider the best and worst outcomes from the choice of decisions you have available to you.
  • Step number three. Discuss your proposed decision with other experienced coworkers to get a second opinion.
  • Step number four. Choose the decision that most benefits the organization with limited risk and maximum returns.

Number two

Before I give you my example, top scoring answer, let me tell you how to structure your response to the interview question. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision. Now when you answer this and any other behavioral interview question? Always use a star technique to gain the highest scores possible.

The star technique stands for situation, task action and result.

You start off your answer and you tell the interviewer the situation you are faced with. You then move on and briefly outline the task that needed doing. You then give in-depth details about the action you took before finishing off and explaining the results following yours and others actions.

Number three

Let me now give you that top scoring answer. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision. Here we go.

  • In my last job, I had to make quick decisions. Often my manager was away on leave and a situation came about where a long standing customer wanted to place a large bulk order with us, but they wanted a 15 percent discount.
  • Now, this was a significant discount and my manager was the only person who could agree to it. However, because my manager was away and unavailable, it was my task to weigh up the pros and cons of the customer’s request and make a decision that was in the best interests of the organization so I weighed up the customer’s request carefully.
  • They informed me they had another supplier ready and waiting who would agree to the discount, and they would use them if we didn’t agree to it.
  • I checked back over the customer’s previous orders and they had spent a significant amount with us over the years. If I refuse their request, they would likely go to the new supplier moving forward, which would impact negatively on our business from a financial perspective.
  • Now, after getting a second opinion from an experienced work colleague, I decided to agree to their request.
  • When my manager returned to work, I explained my decision and the thought process I had followed, and he praised me for my actions.

So there is a brilliant, top scoring answer to that really difficult behavioral interview question. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision.

Now the next thing to do is head through to my website and you can find full set of interview questions and top scoring answers, including the ones I’ve worked through together today so make sure you go through to the website because I’ve also placed more questions on there that I recommend you prepare for. There’s also some really important additional tips that will help you to polish your interview. Make sure you check those out.

I hope you’ve enjoyed that tutorial. As I said at the start, it’s really important because I can then help you not just pass every job interview, but I can help you to negotiate a salary, get a pay rise and also get a promotion and make sure you share your feedback on the comments section. That’s all I ask that motivates me to create more articles for you. It’s really good to connect with like minded professionals such as yourself. Thank you so much for reading, and I wish you all the best for passing your interview. Have a brilliant day!

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