In this tutorial, I am going to teach you how to answer the difficult interview question, what motivates you to do a great job at work? This is a really hard question to answer correctly. So if you have a job interview coming up for any role or any organization, make sure you stay tuned because I will help you to pass it and just quickly.

Let’s jump straight into the tutorial.
- I am going to give you two brilliant example answers to the question. what motivates you to do a great job at work? But first of all, let me explain why the interviewer is asking you the question.
- Well, this is actually a trick interview question. The hiring manager is asking it because they want to assess your motivations for work.
- They want to assess what drives you personally, and they also want to assess how you are going to impact their team.
- If they give you the job now, never answer the question, what motivates you to do a great job at work. By saying you are motivated by money, by perks of the job, by promotion or by anything outside of work that could put you across as a self-centered person?
Let me now give you eight brilliant motivators that you can use when answering the interview question, what motivates you to do a great job at work? And I will then give you those two brilliant scripted answers.
Motivator number one
- Number one is that you are motivated by deadlines and pressure.
- This is a great one because if you have set time frames to work towards and you need to act quickly whilst under pressure, this can be a great motivator because it makes you feel valued at work.
- This also tells the interviewer that you will always take ownership of difficult tasks and duties.
Motivator number two
- Number two is that you are motivated by responsibility and having lots of varied tasks to do at work.
- Now this is a great motivator because it shows you to be someone who needs to be pushed and challenged at work, and this is obviously the perfect type of employee to have in any team.

Motivator number three
- Number three is great for technical job roles.
- You could say you are motivated by analyzing data and information with a view to making improvements at work.
- Now this shows the investigating things and coming up with new creative ways to help the business grow and improve.
Motivator number four
Number four is great for sales roles you are motivated by challenging targets now. Being motivated by targets shows that you are a driven and self motivated person.
Motivator number five
- Number five of our eight motivators for work is that you are motivated by doing everything to a high standard and on time. This is a great one.
- If you have high standards, then this is great for all hiring managers because not only will you do things exactly to the required standard, but you will insist that other people in your team do the same.
- This also communicates to the interviewer that you are organized and reliable now.
Motivator number six
- Number six is an external motivator, but it’s still a really good one.
- You are motivated by making sure your family are provided for. They are safe, secure and healthy because you understand that this can only be achieved if you do a really good job at work and you impress your manager.
Motivator number seven
Number seven is that you are motivated by continuous learning and improving if you are the type of person who is always open to learning new things and developing yourself professionally. This is very attractive to all hiring managers.
Motivator number eight
- Number eight before I give you those two brilliant scripted answers is that you are motivated by goals and achievement.
- Now this is a great motivator for me personally, because if I have something to work towards, it makes me feel good about myself and it gives me a high level of job satisfaction.
- So every week I will set myself targets to achieve, which means I am continually moving forward and progressing, so it’s a great motivator if you have goals and achievements to work towards.
Let me now give you those two brilliant scripted answers to the interview question, what motivates you to do a great job at work? Please tell me in the comment section below the video which one you think is the best. Here we go.
Number one
- I am motivated by several things. First and foremost, I am motivated by meeting deadlines, targets and goals.
- I believe I am at my best at work when I have responsibility for important deadlines because this gives me a great sense of achievement.
- I’m also motivated by learning new things. If I get the opportunity to take on a new role or learn a new skill, then this motivates me because I feel as if I am improving my depth of knowledge.
- Finally, I am motivated by providing for my family. The only way I will be able to continually achieve this goal is if I perform well at work and I impress my managers.

That’s a great answer to that interview question.
Number two
- The option number two to the interview question what motivates you to do a great job at work is, I am motivated by continuous improvement and personal growth.
- If I am continually learning and improving my skill set, I feel motivated because I am of value to my employer. I’m also motivated by working as part of a team to complete tasks and projects.
- I gain a great sense of job satisfaction when I know I have contributed to a team’s goals or objectives.
- Finally, I am motivated by helping train up newer members of staff as and when they join the company. I enjoy this because it makes me feel I have a sense of worth when I am sharing my knowledge and expertise with other people.
So there’s two brilliant example answers to that tough interview question, what motivates you to do a great job at work now?
Now the next thing to do is head through to my website and you can find full set of interview questions and top scoring answers, including the ones I’ve worked through together today so make sure you go through to the website because I’ve also placed more questions on there that I recommend you prepare for. There’s also some really important additional tips that will help you to polish your interview. Make sure you check those out.
I hope you’ve enjoyed that tutorial. As I said at the start, it’s really important because I can then help you not just pass every job interview, but I can help you to negotiate a salary, get a pay rise and also get a promotion and make sure you share your feedback on the comments section. That’s all I ask that motivates me to create more articles for you. It’s really good to connect with like minded professionals such as yourself. Thank you so much for reading, and I wish you all the best for passing your interview. Have a great day!